Indiana University
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Indiana University

Golf Swing Techniques Match First Class Management Practices




Learning Environment

Indiana University is considered to have one of the top 20 MBE courses, a conclusion based directly on interviews with recruiters from the US marketplace.

MBE Simulations MERP is an essential tool that reinforces the concepts presented in the Operations Management Class at Kelley Direct.


This versatile online course allows students to participate in distance learning termed
a-synch learning
. Students must teach themselves how to use MERP, a testament to it's intuitive ease of use. They then practice by themselves on their own time and respond to leading questions via Web Intranet. Students are graded on their answers, eventually managing an organization. They are graded on their best achieved results based on profit and reputation from the simulations they have run.


MERP � A light intuitive tool with heavy functionality

MERP has a simple but highly functional graphical interface; this allows the student to become comfortable running simulations very quickly so the learning experience becomes almost as relaxing and fun as playing a video game.�� As it is used, MERP provides near-instantaneous feedback on performance to the user; there is no need to wait several days for an assignment to be evaluated by the instructor.This fast feedback allows the student's operations knowledge to grow with each new run and become refined very quickly.


Educational Benefit

The simulator enables the students to take learnt business models and management theories and apply them to real situations. This provides a relevant and vocational educational opportunity to better manage in the real world. Internalized concepts from the course could be re-applied from the comfort of participants home using MERP simulations tool. Various combinations of typical operations parameters can be experimented with in a virtual environment, where the occasional poor simulation run is easily learned from and forgotten. This provides participants with a very high degree of confidence to apply their new-found skills in actual situations.


Client's Last Word

Perhaps the most apt analogy is expressed by Bill Paulus, Business Planning Manager at A leading automobile parts manufacturing.

"A good analogy might be the way a golf swing is learned.With each practice shot in a driving range environment, one can see whether or not the ball is on target or not, and with good coaching and repetition, it becomes easier to hit good shots with consistency.Eventually, one develops muscle-memory, the mechanics of the swing become almost instinctive, the golfer has more confidence on the golf course and plays better.The same is true in the operations world with MERP simulations. I congratulate you and your team for developing such a great product and wish you all the best in the future�"


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